Re-imagining Travel in the New Norm

The document below provides guidelines for the strengthening of operations and provision of tourism-related products and services in Belize as part of the phased reopening strategy post the COVID-19 economic shutdown. For a downloadable version, click here.

Enhanced Hotel & Restaurant Guidelines in Response to Covid-19

The document below was developed by the Belize Tourism Board and provides operating protocols specifically for hotels and restaurants.

Enhanced Tour Operator Guidelines in Response to Covid-19

The document below was developed by the Belize Tourism Board and provides operating protocols specifically for tour operators.

Safe Restart of Cruise Operations in Belize: Health & Safety Protocols

These guidelines outline the collaboration between cruise lines and the destination to implement health protocols and procedures which will charter the sector to reopen safely. For a downloadable version, please click here.

Recommended Measures for Covid-19 Recovery in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector

The document below provides recommended measures that tourism businesses can take as part of their covid-19 recovery efforts. For a downloadable version, please click here.

For further information visit , the official COVID-19 website for the Government of Belize.